Stalker call of pripyat complete vs vanilla
Stalker call of pripyat complete vs vanilla

stalker call of pripyat complete vs vanilla

Missing are also moments of real suspense, of which the first Shadow of Chernobyl offered several examples, leaving instead the sporadic scripts the task of proposing some decisive turning point, unfortunately not always effective.įrom the point of view of combat, the developers have made some improvements to the Artificial Intelligence routines: the immoderate use of grenades by enemies has fortunately been revised, and the opponents show some more coverage tactics. Once again the feeling is that of a strong lack of rhythm, where those who want a little action will have to rely more on the secondary quests, some of which are well made and able to offer some exciting firefights. The task will not be easy, and we will move from gathering information at various sites in the Zone to stages of dialogue with the NPCs in order to gather a team willing to follow us in the enterprise. Once the information on the military helicopter impact sites has been collected, the story will finally begin, commissioning the player to find a way to reach the town of Prypiat, one of the centers most affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Another small but welcome novelty are four hotkeys arranged on the interface, which allow direct access to care and food in addition to medikit and bandages to treat bleeding, it will be necessary to eat regularly to avoid heavy health consequences.

#Stalker call of pripyat complete vs vanilla upgrade#

The arrival at the first large outpost of the STALKERS introduces the few innovations that characterize this sequel, which materialize in a much larger upgrade sector than previously seen: through dialogue with some NPCs it will in fact be possible to improve the characteristics of weapons and armor substantially, allowing you to significantly increase the life and effectiveness of your basic equipment. The first hours of the game put the protagonist on the trail of the impact sites of military aircraft, an expedient of gameplay that unfortunately goes to impact on the rhythm of the introductory phase, extremely bland.ĭespite a decidedly more marked use of the scripts compared to what was seen in the predecessor, the long and solitary exploratory phases, the lack of interesting firefights and the mediocrity of the cut-scenes cannot create that magic and that involvement that the first game was able to summon, nor to drag the player as he did Clear Sky, made dynamic at least by the many fights. The division between main and secondary quests will once again be very clear, the latter always available from the NPCs encountered at outposts and cities. The purpose of Call of Pripyat is not in fact to renew a formula now considered successful, but to resume the lines of the discourse from where they left off before the little successful digression Clear Sky, and propose a continuation of the story, still characterized by the same gameplay. The interface is intact, identical the PDA that allows you to keep track of the missions and consult the inevitable map with objectives and resources marked, the GDR-style inventory unchanged, complete with statistics for weapons and armor. Sore ZoneĪ few steps on the edge of the Zone will be enough to realize how much the elements at the base of the gameplay have not changed at all compared to three years ago. Following Strelok's deactivation of the Bruciacervella, the Ukrainian government thinks it well to launch a military operation in a big way, probably with the aim of getting our hands on the "Wish Hearer" despite lengthy preparations, the Freeway mission is a total failure, and Major Alexander Degtyarev is sent to the Zone to examine the drop points of military aircraft. Unlike the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky stand-alone expansion, whose temporal location made it a prequel, STALKER: Call of Prypiat picks up the story from where we left it at the end of the first episode. Three years after the release of STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl, the developers of GSC Game World invite us to return to the zone, proposing the first true official sequel of the lucky brand.

Stalker call of pripyat complete vs vanilla